How to Use Meat Tenderizer Powder

how to use meat tenderizer powder

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Meat is a popular ingredient in many cuisines around the world, but it can sometimes be tough and difficult to chew. This is where meat tenderizer powder comes in handy. Meat tenderizer powder contains enzymes that break down the proteins in meat, making it more tender and easier to eat.

If you’ve never used meat tenderizer powder before, it may seem intimidating or unfamiliar, but it’s actually quite simple to use.

In this blog post, I will guide you through everything you need to know about meat tenderizer powder, including how it works, when to use it, how to use it, and safety precautions to take.

By the end of this post, you’ll be a pro at using meat tenderizer powder and your meat dishes will be even more delicious and enjoyable.

How Meat Tenderizer Powder Works

Meat tenderizer powder works by using enzymes to break down the proteins in meat, which can be tough and hard to chew. The most common enzyme found in meat tenderizer powder is papain, which is extracted from papaya fruit. Papain breaks down the muscle fibers in meat by breaking the bonds between the protein molecules. This process makes the meat more tender and easier to eat.

Other types of enzymes that can be found in meat tenderizer powder include bromelain, which is extracted from pineapple, and ficin, which is extracted from figs. These enzymes work in a similar way to papain, breaking down the proteins in meat to make it more tender.

When meat is cooked, the heat causes the proteins in the meat to denature and coagulate, which can make the meat tough. By tenderizing the meat before cooking, you can prevent it from becoming tough and ensure that it stays juicy and flavorful.

Overall, meat tenderizer powder is a simple and effective way to improve the texture and flavor of meat dishes. Whether you’re cooking a tough cut of meat or just want to make sure your steak is as tender as possible, meat tenderizer powder can help you achieve delicious results.

When to Use Meat Tenderizer Powder

Meat tenderizer powder can be used on a variety of meats, but it’s especially useful for tougher cuts of meat that benefit from additional tenderizing. Here are some signs that your meat may benefit from meat tenderizer powder:


If the meat is tough and hard to chew, it may benefit from meat tenderizer powder. This is especially true for cuts of meat that come from muscles that get a lot of exercise, like beef brisket or pork shoulder.


As meat ages, it can become tougher. If you have older meat that you want to use, meat tenderizer powder can help to break down the proteins and make it more tender.


Thicker cuts of meat can also benefit from meat tenderizer powder. The enzymes in the powder will help to break down the proteins and make the meat more tender throughout.

Cooking Method

If you plan to cook the meat using a dry cooking method like grilling or broiling, meat tenderizer powder can help to ensure that the meat stays tender and juicy. Wet cooking methods like braising or stewing also break down the meat’s fibers, but they don’t require additional tenderizing.

It’s important to note that not all meats need to be tenderized with meat tenderizer powder. Tender cuts of meat like filet mignon or pork tenderloin don’t typically require tenderizing. Additionally, if you plan to marinate the meat for a long period of time, the acid in the marinade will also help to break down the proteins and tenderize the meat.

How to Use Meat Tenderizer Powder Perfectly

Using meat tenderizer powder is a simple process, but it’s important to follow some basic steps to ensure that you use it correctly and safely. Here’s how to use meat tenderizer powder:

Choose the right powder

There are different types of meat tenderizer powders available, so choose the one that is best suited for your needs. Look for a powder that contains papain, bromelain, or ficin, as these are the most effective enzymes for tenderizing meat.

Apply the powder

Sprinkle the meat tenderizer powder evenly over the surface of the meat, using about 1 teaspoon of powder for every pound of meat. Be sure to cover the entire surface of the meat, including any crevices or folds.

Let it sit

Once you’ve applied the powder, let the meat sit for at least 30 minutes. This will give the enzymes time to break down the proteins in the meat and make it more tender.

Rinse the meat

After the meat has sat for the recommended amount of time, rinse it thoroughly with cold water to remove any excess powder. This step is important, as leaving the powder on the meat can cause it to become mushy or bitter.

Cook the meat

Once you’ve rinsed the meat, you can cook it using your preferred method. Keep in mind that the meat will cook faster than usual, so adjust your cooking time accordingly.

It’s important to follow these steps carefully to ensure that you use meat tenderizer powder correctly and safely. Additionally, be sure to store the powder in a cool, dry place away from heat and moisture, and keep it out of reach of children and pets.

Tips for using meat tenderizer powder effectively

While meat tenderizer powder is a useful tool for tenderizing tough cuts of meat, there are a few tips that can help you use it more effectively. Here are some tips for using meat tenderizer powder:

  1. Use the right amount: It’s important to use the right amount of meat tenderizer powder for the amount of meat you’re cooking. Using too much powder can over-tenderize the meat and make it mushy, while using too little may not have any effect. As a general rule, use about 1 teaspoon of powder for every pound of meat.
  2. Don’t overuse: Meat tenderizer powder can be very effective at tenderizing meat, but it should be used in moderation. If you use too much powder or let the meat sit for too long, it can become mushy or bitter. Follow the instructions on the package carefully, and don’t exceed the recommended amount.
  3. Let it sit: It’s important to let the meat sit for at least 30 minutes after applying the powder to give the enzymes time to work. However, don’t let the meat sit for too long, as this can over-tenderize the meat.
  4. Rinse thoroughly: After the meat has sat with the powder, be sure to rinse it thoroughly with cold water to remove any excess powder. This step is important to ensure that the meat doesn’t become mushy or bitter.
  5. Store properly: Meat tenderizer powder should be stored in a cool, dry place away from heat and moisture. This will help to preserve its effectiveness and prevent it from clumping.

How much meat tenderizer powder to use

By following these tips, you can use meat tenderizer powder more effectively and achieve the desired level of tenderness in your meat.

The amount of meat tenderizer powder you should use depends on the amount of meat you are tenderizing. As a general rule, use about 1 teaspoon of powder for every pound of meat.

For example, if you have a 2-pound steak, you would use approximately 2 teaspoons of meat tenderizer powder. Be sure to sprinkle the powder evenly over the entire surface of the meat.

It’s important to avoid overusing meat tenderizer powder, as using too much can over-tenderize the meat and make it mushy. Follow the instructions on the package carefully, and don’t exceed the recommended amount of powder.

Alternatives to Meat Tenderizer Powder

If you don’t have meat tenderizer powder on hand, or if you prefer to use natural methods for tenderizing meat, there are several alternatives you can try. Here are some effective alternatives to meat tenderizer powder:

Acidic marinades

 Marinating meat in an acidic solution can help to break down the proteins and make it more tender. Common acidic marinades include vinegar, lemon or lime juice, and wine.


Salt can help to tenderize meat by drawing out moisture and breaking down the muscle fibers. Be sure to season the meat with salt before cooking and let it sit for at least 30 minutes before cooking.


Papaya contains an enzyme called papain, which can break down proteins and tenderize meat. Simply mash a ripe papaya and use it as a marinade for your meat.


Kiwi contains an enzyme called actinidin, which can help to break down proteins in meat. Mash a ripe kiwi and use it as a marinade for your meat.


Pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain, which can help to tenderize meat. Puree fresh pineapple and use it as a marinade for your meat.

These alternatives can be just as effective as meat tenderizer powder, but it’s important to note that they may alter the flavor of the meat. Be sure to experiment with different methods to find the one that works best for you.

Safety Precautions When Using Meat Tenderizer Powder

When using meat tenderizer powder, it’s important to take certain safety precautions to prevent any health risks. Here are some safety tips to keep in mind:

Follow package instructions

Always read the instructions on the package carefully and follow them closely. Using too much meat tenderizer powder can result in over-tenderized meat, which can be mushy and bitter.

Wash hands and utensils

Before and after handling meat tenderizer powder, wash your hands and utensils thoroughly with soap and water to prevent cross-contamination.

Avoid inhaling powder

When using meat tenderizer powder, be careful not to inhale it. The powder can be irritating to the lungs and cause respiratory problems.

Store in a cool, dry place

Keep meat tenderizer powder in a cool, dry place to prevent moisture from affecting its quality. Exposure to moisture can cause the powder to clump or become less effective.

Keep away from children and pets

Meat tenderizer powder should be stored out of reach of children and pets. Ingestion of the powder can cause stomach upset, vomiting, and diarrhea.

Use a meat thermometer

Make sure to cook the meat to the appropriate temperature to kill any bacteria that may be present. Use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature of the meat.

By following these safety precautions, you can ensure that your use of meat tenderizer powder is safe and effective.


Meat tenderizer powder is a convenient and effective way to tenderize tough cuts of meat. By breaking down the proteins in the meat, it can make it more tender and flavorful. However, it’s important to use it in moderation and follow package instructions to prevent over-tenderizing and ensure the best results.

If you prefer natural alternatives, there are other methods such as acidic marinades or using fruits like papaya, kiwi, or pineapple that can also tenderize meat. Regardless of the method you choose, always follow safety precautions and proper cooking techniques to ensure that your meat is both safe and delicious.

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