I believe you have a grill and that you intend to use lit for long. It will help you prepare delicious barbecues for your friends and family for a long time if you take good care of it. To do this, you need the best grill cover. Of, course, you will find many such covers in the market.
For first timers, it is important to know that different types of grills require different types of grill covers. In, fact, the best grill cover for your outdoor grill may not be ideal for a premium stainless steel grill. You need to develop mastery on which grill cover best suits your grill. Besides, you need to fully understand how to use the cover.
Speaking of a grill cover, some may ask, what is it? What is a grill cover meant for? Is it necessary to use a grill cover even if the grill stays indoors? These important questions need complete and definitive answers. Lets we know Why Should You Use Grill Cover step by step.
What Is A Grill Cover?
As the name suggests, a grill cover is a lid to put over your grill. When a grill is in use, it may need to be covered, but, in most cases, a grill cover is used when the grill is not in use.
It is important to cover your grill especially if you keep it in the open. Most users have realized too late that birds, rats, and mice, and other rodents make a grill their home. This is especially so if the grill lies in the store for a long time.
You shouldn’t be surprised to learn that covering your grill using a premium grill cover will help you save a lot of money. For those who decide not to cover their grills, they use a lot of money cleaning, repairing, and perhaps buying a new grill every year.
When used as directed, a grill cover ensures your grill is safe for use until the next time you would like to prepare your barbecue. It prevents the inner parts of your grill against rust, corrosions, mold, birds’ tools, and other foreign dirt. Surprisingly, some grills may have problems even as they offer important services.
Why Does A Grill Rust?
Rust is inevitable, especially if you stay in areas where it is very hot during the day but extremely cold during the night. It can happen on your grill even if you stay in an environment that is hot or cold throughout.
Your external environment is one of the important factors that affect how your grill lasts. But, it is not the only one. How a grill does, its work is another factor. You see, when in use, a grill is usually hot. Unless it is super hot, it will not grill your barbecue, meat steaks, and even the rolled chicken.
Grill grates are at the highest risk of contracting rust because they hold the meat. This is where grilling takes place. On the grates, rest meat, chicken, potatoes, or whatever you want to cook. As you prepare your barbecue, meat fats, grease, and other food residue rest on the grates.
After some time, if you do not clean off the dirt immediately after use, the grates will rust. The heat inside the grill combines with the grease, fats, and the dampness from the food makes it possible for the grate to harbor rust.
Other inner sides of the grill are not exceptional. They too rust because of the high and low humidity that exist inside the grill. But, it does not have to worry you. It is possible to have rust-free grill.
The material of the grill is also a factor. Some grill materials are hard to catch rust but others are prone to rust. If you do not want to struggle with cleaning rust from your grill every time you want to use it, be careful when choosing your grill.
Heavy-duty grills, made of genuine stainless steel material do not rust. Grills made from premium material only rust under extreme climatic conditions. I know of a few guys who stay in humid areas yet they have never complained of their grills rusting.
Did you also know that where you store your grill is a concern? Large grill hardly find a place inside the house. This prompts owners to store their grills outside the house.
Whether the grill is under a tent or not, chances of rusting are very high. To reduce the chances of your grill from rusting, you need to have the best grill cover. At least, you will ensure the inner parts of the grill are safe. This brings us to yet another important question.
Do Grill Covers Prevent Rust?
Yes! Using a quality grill cover is a sure way of preventing your grill from rust. However, a grill cover alone does not guarantee you a rust-free grill. The factors mentioned in the above section highlight why your grill may rust.
You need to reinforce the grill cover’s effort to ensure your grill is free from rust. One of the best ways you can do that is by thoroughly cleaning your grill immediately after use.
Regular checkups and maintenance are also additional ways to ensure your grill is free from rust. You can schedule to clean, check, and repair your grill every month. Whether the grill is in use or not, you need to hold fast to your schedule. If possible, make use of the best grill cleaners in the market.
How To Make A Grill Cover Out Of a Tarp
“It is 13 years since I bought my tarp grill cover,” says Kloe, a mother of 4 from New Zealand. What does this show? Are tarp/canvas covers the best? Well, canvas is one of the best grill cover materials you can ever purchase.
Nonetheless, some people do not want to buy a ready-made cover from any online stores. They’d rather buy a tarp, and using their DIY experience, they have managed to make good grill covers. If this is what you need, here is a simple way you can make a grill cover out of a tarp.
- Duct tape.
- Tarp (should be large, heavy-duty, and of high-quality).
- Bungee ties.
- The first thing you need to do is to measure the top part of the grill using a tape measure.
- Alternatively, you can lay the tarp on top of the grill. The aim is to mark the exact position you are going to cut the tarp.
- Make sure the tarp evenly covers to the ends of the grill.
- Cut the excess tarp once the tarp has covered the corners of the grill.
- Using the duct tape, fold the tarp inside out and do good seaming.
- Tie the loose ends of the tarp using the bungee.
- Tie off each end of the tarp to the grommets.
- Your tarp grill cover is ready for use.
To ensure the longevity of your grill, cover it using your new tarp-made grill cover every time you are not using the grill.
What Are Grill Covers Made Of?
The world has come up with different types of grill covers. Currently, three main materials dominate the market. For you to find the best grill cover, you must choose between Polyester, canvas, and vinyl.
Each of the three grill cover materials has its distinctive features. You need to know your grill size, type, and use for you to make a wise decision on the grill cover material.
A vinyl grill cover for instance is famed for its high water resistance. It is my best recommendation if you stay in an area frequented by snowfalls and plenty of rain.
Polyester covers on the other hand are quick to dry after washing. The covers are light and recommended for any weather. The good thing about these covers is they are friendly with industrial detergents.
Canvas grill covers are far more durable compared to vinyl and polyester. They are tough, durable, and last longer than the other two.
How Are Grill Covers Measured?
There is no fixed measure of a grill cover. The ideal size of a grill cover should be the one that covers your grill. Before buying a grill cover, you should first have the exact grill measurement. Only then will you be in a position to purchase the right size of lid that covers the grill.
If you are looking into making a grill cover at home, you first need to measure the length (L) and the width (W) of the grill. You will then allow an extra length of the cover that will properly extend to the corners.
After purchasing the grill cover material, you will follow the direction of making a grill cover as pointed out in the above section.
When it comes to taking care of your grill, you seem not to have a choice. Your grill will only serve you for the purpose you bought it and perhaps, last longer if you take good care of it. By choosing the best grill cover, you will certainly save your family lots of money. How is that possible? A good grill cover will last over 13 years, so does a grill.
Rita C. Donnell (Jennifer) has spent the last 26 years studying and practicing nutrition science. She has used a larger part of this time in improving people’s livelihoods. She has done so by coming up with unquestionable ideas on how to tackle food problems in her community. Readmore